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Sign Pack – Starter


Sign Starter Pack.  5 brushed aluminum 5″x3″ signs with customizable QR codes.

Enter the name of your botanical garden. This will be printed on all signs. Up to 60 characters.
Your email is required to give you access to your Garden Control Center.
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5 Tour Signs

  • 5" x 3"
  • Brushed aluminum
  • Each sign features your garden name and a unique dynamic QR code that you control.

Garden Control Panel

  • Each garden sign has a unique qr code that will open to any web page of your choice when a garden visitor scans the code with their smartphone camera. Log in to your Garden Control Panel to change the target web page at any time!  Link to an informational page about a particular species in your garden, or a website that teaches visitors about the importance of composting. The sky is the limit.



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